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Category Steel grade Standard Country Application
Special Alloy 60Si2MnA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy 60Si2Mn GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy 55SiMnVB GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy 55Si2MnB GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy 55Si2Mn GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy 65Mn GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy GB 85 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy GB 70 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy GB 65 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML40CrMoA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML38CrA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML42CrMoA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML35CrMoA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML30CrMoA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML20CrMoA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML16CrSiNi GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML30CrMnSiA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML20MnA GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML45 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML40 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML35 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML30 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML25 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML20 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML18 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML15 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy ML10 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy A73204 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy A73154 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy A74204 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy A20378 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy A71354 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy A71204 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy A71145 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel
Special Alloy A70354 GBT China
China structural steel and alloy steel